Football Matcher Player Waiver and Release of Liability
"Football Matcher games" refers to any football match or related activity organised through Football Matcher.
"Participation" includes playing in the game, being a spectator, or any involvement directly related to the game.
"Organiser" refers to the individual or entity responsible for coordinating the football game.
"Participant" refers to the individual involved in the football game, either as a player, spectator, or any other role.
Terms and Conditions:
Acknowledgment of Risk: I understand that I am Participating in Football Matcher games voluntarily, knowingly, and freely. I am aware of the inherent risks involved, including the risk of physical injury. I hereby agree to expressly assume and accept any and all risks, whether known or unknown, minor or serious, that may arise out of my participation.
Physical Condition: I declare that I am physically sound and do not suffer from any condition, impairment, disease, or illness that would prevent participation in these games. I acknowledge that I have either had a physical examination and been given a physician’s permission to participate, or I have decided to participate without the approval of a physician.
Medical Emergencies: In the event of a medical emergency during participation, reasonable efforts will be made to call any emergency contact number known. However, such effort shall not prevent the rendering of emergency care deemed to be in the best interest of the health, safety, and welfare of the Participant. I grant permission to the Organiser or their designee to furnish and arrange any emergency hospital or medical care that I might require.
Personal Property: I understand that Football Matcher, the Organiser, and their representatives will not be liable for damage, theft, loss, or other issues with personal belongings, valuables, or electronic devices brought to the game or at locations being utilised.
Conduct and Regulations: I agree to abide by and observe all customary rules, regulations, and terms of play for participation in this sporting activity and Program, demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times, and agree to abide by any posted rules and regulations in any facility or location of the Program.
Equipment and Uniforms: If I am involved in a Football Matcher game that involves the use of equipment and/or uniforms, I understand that any equipment and/or uniforms borrowed and/or utilised during the game remains the property of the Organiser and must be returned after the game.
RELEASE OF LIABILITY: As a player when I join a group I release, indemnify, and hold harmless Football Matcher, the Organiser, and their representatives from any liability, claims, or demands arising from injuries or damages sustained during Participation.
Ongoing Agreement: This Agreement and Release of Liability shall remain in effect from initial sign-up without the need for the entry into a new Agreement and Release of Liability.